Podsmas: Kwanzaa (Days 1-3) Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima
Hi, my babies! Welcome back to another episode of love and open conversation 🥰 The guided affirmations in this episode are a repeat from episode 12 where the focus is on manifesting and supporting ourselves when it comes to our goals 🧘🏾♀️ We start each meditation with deep breaths in order to regulate our bodies and settle our minds 💆🏾♀️ Utilize this time to get right within 😌 As for the episode, HAPPY KWANZAA!! For this week, leading up to the new year, I will be sharing each principle of Kwanzaa because this is a cultural holiday that does not receive the attention that it deserves. Kwanza started on the 26th but since that was a weekend we are kicking off this episode with the first three days of Kwanzaa: Umoja, Kujichagulia, and Ujima. Tune in to learn the history and how you can celebrate this wonderful holiday!
Check out Tremaine’s new podcast “The Maineafesto Pod Show” on Instagram!